Monday, July 28, 2008

Archie’s Magic Summer is a children's chapter book of read-aloud stories.
Answers From the Deep

What’s a bridal shower?
Why do I have dreams?
When will I be grown-up?

Archie Atkins is quizzical and determined to learn everything before he starts first grade. His sister Harriet has just finished third grade and constantly reminders him that the kids at school will laugh at him for what he does not know. Because his Dad says their place at the lake is a magical place, he is sure he will learn everything this summer. That will show her. When he arrives with his family at their summer cottage on the Point at the lake, he discovers an abandoned cat, Talmadge Tinsley, living in their summerhouse. Talmadge with the uncanny ability to think up a dragon, Ellirteal Derkein (Ely), from the depths of Lake Nabu is horrified of children. He calls upon the dragon to frighten them away. But Ely, who never misses an opportunity to provide answers, detects Archie has questions. And Archie is having difficulty getting anyone to listen to his questions much less answer them. Armed with the Dragon's Handbook of Policies and Procedures, Ely has answers. Some of his answers may be more confusing than the questions, but he has answers. And so begins Archie's whimsical summer of magic. With him is his sister, Harriet and their dog Henley Hornbrook. Eventually, the children win Talmadge's trust with their kindness and he joins them. Along the way they get some simple, sometimes comical, yet profound answers from the dragon and best of all Archie learns he does not have to know everything to start school, just to expect to learn everything.

"Archie's Magic Summer" received an enthusiastic response when presented to a group of children ages 6-12 in a summer program.
As a Human Resources professional, I was often involved in technical writing. However, this is my first children's book. I have a short fiction story accepted for publication in 2009. I am an active member of a critique group and the Membership/Financial Chair for Central Oregon Writers Guild in Redmond,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was cool you should post more congratulations on the win 10.14.08
k daniels